Fashion and documentary photography have always intrigued and guided Fabienne Karmann. Her work aims to combine the language of fashion photography with a piece of reality. Karmann employs the techniques of fashion photography in a natural setting, putting her models on stage in their daily life. At the same time, she uses documentary language to inform about social relations.
2008- 2013 University of applied sciences Bielefeld
2010- 2011 Moholy Nagy University Budapest Photography
clients& publications
Glamour, Lafer Magazin, FAZ Modemagazin, Tagesspiegel, Emotion, Brand Eins, Die Zeit, Impulse Magazin, Ploonk, Maas Naturwaren, Ayse Kilic, Nothing Mag, P. Age, Augustin Teboul, Kingpin Magazine, Cooler Magazine, Kinkie Magazin, Cotributor Magazine online, Lebenshilfe e.V., Antoniya Ivanova, Retune Magazine, Centre Marc Bloch, Unnomedeguerre.com, Loildelaphotography